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The Last Week Or So...

Weeks just seem to fly by at the moment! Feels like only last week we were peeling ourselves off our bikes having finished the Race Across Europe and all I can think about now is sand. Well that is a lie, there is a much longer list than that, like what trainers should I where, am I going to survive in the desert heat, what food should we take, are we going to raise the money to do these events, can I actually run a simple marathon..……… There are still 18.5 weeks to go until we start, so we do have time, but have a scary feeling this will fly by.

So what have we been up to? Not a lot really…… Apologies that is another lie and would in fact make for a rather dull blog post. We continue to be kept very busy! The main aim of last week or so was to get our flyer/sponsorship letters out. We have sent a huge amount of these out, but experience tells us that if we hear back from 5-10% of them, that will actually be a success, so we need to keep working on this. Is amazing how much time just thinking about who to reach out to takes. We just need to keep spreading the Saddle Sand Sea love and will get there one day! I know we say this every time but if there is ANYONE who you think might be anything other than not interested in helping us, please do let us know!

We were also lucky enough to have a meeting with some of the team at Shooting Star Chase. Was really great to meet them and really did confirm in our minds what an awesome charity it is! We are both super excited and proud about helping raise a load of money for them over the next couple of years. We were also given a chance to leave our mark at their offices.

Back to the sand though. Last weekend we went off to the MdS Expo, which gave us a chance to hear some talks from people in the know, including the legends that are James Cracknell (double Olympic gold medallist) and Patrick Bauer (Creator/Director of the MdS). The organisers were also kind enough to give some freebies out, including a backpack, which has all the necessary gizmos for the race! Not the most fashionable things, but if it lasts until the race, means we don’t need to fork out for additional kit which is great news!

Talking of great news, we also found out after the event, through a glossy email from the Expo team, that Patrick Bauer had some snippets of information about the course (See below). It seems as though the world’s toughest “triathlon” just got tougher. Someone did make a good point that at least the Atlantic isn’t getting any wider! (Strictly speaking it gets wider at about 5cm a year, but that is not the point, and am sure we can handle an extra 10cm by the time we get there!)

Anyway that’s it for now! Hopefully kept you a bit entertained, until next time!

Best wishes,

Team SSS

P.S. We do hope that these blogs are of interest to you guys. If there is anything in particular you would be keen to hear more about or topics we should focus on, please do let us know at

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The Prostate Project, Registered Charity No: 1078523  

Shooting Star Chase, Registered Charity No: 1042495


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