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A challenging 24 hours...

Hello everyone,

As many of you will have seen from social media, the past 24 hours for the guys have been a bit of an adventure, with the ocean throwing some pretty wild shapes.

And they weren't the only ones suffering from the rough seas. Another duo, Team Tenzing, hit a storm with 45 knot winds and 6 metre waves resulting in a capsize and full-blown power outage, causing them to withdraw from the race. Our thoughts are with the boys, who did so well to get this far.

Luckily, Paddy & Seamus made the wise decision to deploy their para anchor after huge swells made it unsafe for rowing. One wave even crashed right over the boat. In their own words: "We've had a pretty rough 24 hours - capsized yesterday morning as swell picked up hugely with 30 knot winds."

The boys deployed their para anchor for a while

Thankfully, they're both ok, but understandably a bit shaken. They managed not to lose anything on deck apart from a shattered rowing gate, which is a bit of a relief!

The good news is that after spending the night on the para anchor, they've started rowing again and are spurring each other on and are more determined than ever: "We WILL get to the other side of this bloody ocean!"

Despite missing friends & family, they're really grateful for everyone's support: "Knowing that everyone is behind us makes all the difference. All our love to everyone at home."

P.S. Here's a fun picture of Paddy cleaning the boat's solar panels to get rid of the salt!

Paddy cleaning the boat's solar panels

Watch this space! #SaddleSandSea

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The Prostate Project, Registered Charity No: 1078523  

Shooting Star Chase, Registered Charity No: 1042495


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